Conservation genomics for threatened flora
ReCER supports the NSW Government Saving our Species program through the provision of genomic information to help guide the recovery and long term management of threatened flora.
Owing to decreasing costs and increased efficiency, it is now conceivable that conservation genomic information can be used to improve the effectiveness of recovery programs for many, if not most, threatened plants.
To support biodiversity managers, we developed a simple, standardized workflow for genomic research that guides the efficient collection, analysis and application of genomic information across disparate threatened plants. We argue for a shift away from asking whether genomic information is needed or justified, towards consideration of the questions that need to be addressed.
More information: A conservation genomics workflow to guide practical management actions (Research paper)
ReCER’s conservation genomics reports to date.
Below is a list of reports ReCER has prepared to guide conservation actions, including translocation, the establishment of ex-situ collections, and resolution of taxonomic uncertainty.
These reports have been prepared for a range of organisations and programs, including the NSW Government Saving our Species program and Transport NSW.
Please contact Samantha Yap to request copies of these reports.
Where available, research publications are linked to.
Acacia terminalis subsp. Eastern Sydney
Astrotricha crassifolia
Astrotricha roddii
Bossiaea bombayensis
Bossiaea fragrans
Caesia parviflora var minor
Eidothea hardeniana
Eucalyptus sp Cattai
Hibbertia puberula subsp. glabrescens (sp Bankstown)
Lenwebbia sp. Main Range
Marsdenia longiloba
Persoonia hirsuta
Persoonia pauciflora
Pimelea cremnophila
Pimelea venosa
Pittosporum sp Coffs Harbour
Pomaderris delicata
Prosanthera marifolia
Pultenaea maritima
Pultenaea parviflora
Rhodamnia rubescens
Rhodomyrtus psidioides
Syzygium paniculatum
Uromyrtus australis
Wollemia nobilis
Zieria covenyi
Zieria obocordata
ReCER’s conservation genomics - in prep
Below is a list of threatened taxa ReCER are currently working on.
Please contact Samantha Yap for more information.
Acacia gordonii
Acacia meiantha
Allocasuarina portuensis
Astrotricha roddii
Baloghia marmorata
Boronia boliviensis
Boronia ruppii
Bosistoa transversa
Caladenia tessellata
Callistemon megalongensis
Callistemon purpurascens
Calochilus pulchellus
Cassia marksiana
Chamaesyce psammogeton
Corokia whiteana
Corunastylis sp. Charmhaven (NSW896673)
Cryptocarya foetida
Davidsonia jerseyana
Davidsonia johnsonii
Diospyros mabacea
Diploglottis campbellii
Diuris aequalis
Diuris flavescens
Diuris ochroma
Diuris pedunculata
Elaeocarpus sedentarius
Endiandra floydii
Endiandra hayesii
Endiandra muelleri subsp. bracteata
Endiandra wongawallanensis
Eucalyptus boliviana
Eucalyptus langleyi
Eucalyptus sturgissiana
Floydia praealta
Genoplesium insigne
Genoplesium littorale
Genoplesium plumosum
Genoplesium superbum
Gingidia rupicola
Gossia fragrantissima
Grevillea beadleana
Haloragodendron lucasii
Hicksbeachia pinnatifolia
Homoranthus bebo
Homoranthus croftianus
Isoglossa eranthemoides
Isopogon fletcheri
Kardomia prominens
Kardomia silvestris
Leionema lamprophyllum subsp. fractum
Leionema westonii
Lepiderema pulchella
Myrsine richmondensis
Niemeyera whitei
Ochrosia moorei
Owenia cepiodora
Pherosphaera fitzgeraldii
Polystichum moorei
Pomaderris cocoparrana
Prasophyllum affine
Prasophyllum canaliculatum
Prasophyllum fuscum
Prasophyllum petilum
Prasophyllum sp. Wybong
Prostanthera askania
Pterostylis chaetophora
Pterostylis gibbosa
Pterostylis saxicola
Randia moorei
Rhizanthella slateri
Rhodamnia maideniana
Sarcochilus fitzgeraldii
Sarcochilus hartmannii
Symplocos baeuerlenii
Syzygium hodgkinsoniae
Syzygium moorei
Thelymitra adorata
Thelymitra kangaloonica
Xylosma terrae-reginae
Zieria baeuerlenii